EHS Internal Bulletin 115 OLEC
Network Rail’s standard (NR-L2-CTM028) - Competence and Training in OLE Construction Engineering was issued in June 2010 and has been a Mandatory Compliance since 01st July 2010. Despite being mandated, in 2012 is was identified that there was:
• No approved training courses
• No consistency in recording competences
• No central database of OLEC competences
• No clarity on the assessment of OLEC Staff
• No national audit of compliance
Since then training material for OLEC1 to 3 has been developed and it was issued in March 2013. The OLEC Competences cover all staff that work on a NR OLE Construction site, or anyone who may affect the integrity of the OLE system during OLE construction, renewal, enhancement or modification works (e.g. any unplanned/unrelated activity that has the potential to interfere with the OLE construction works fall into this category i.e. piling).
As of the 1st August 2015, OLEC1 to 3 competences have to be recorded on individuals Sentinel profile and without this staff may not be permitted on to a NR OLE construction site.
What effect this has to the business:
If planned Signalling work (Siemens PC or multiple PC’s) activities are carried out at ballast level where OLE is installed/being constructed operatives do not require any OLEC competence because the work does not affect the integrity of the OLE System. Therefore the control measures identified through the risk assessment process to work under the OLE should be in place and adhered to.
If planned Signalling work activities encompass the use of RRV’s (e.g. piling, delivery/recovery of materials, erection of OLE gantries) or MEWPs where OLE is installed/being constructed then the Machine Operators, Crane Controllers and MEWP Operators will require the OLEC1 competence because they are at risk from the OLE System or may import additional risk to the OLE System. Therefore when work package managers are requesting OTP from our suppliers for the use where OLE is installed/being constructed they must request that the Machine Operators, Crane Controllers and MEWP Operators have OLEC1 competence.
If Siemens work under another contractor’s CPP on an OLE construction site, then the PC may insist that all operatives are OLEC1 competent so therefore the competence, OLEC1 will be required.
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