News & Insight

25 Nov 2016

Sentinel Site Access

From 7th December Intertrain will be following the process below for anyone attending a training course:


1) Your Sentinel card will be scanned in

2) If you have had less than 12 hours rest, the App will indicate that a Risk Assessment needs to take place.

3) If a Risk Assessment is required, our trainer will ask you to contact your line manager. Your line manager will have until 9:45am to get the Risk Assessment completed.

4) If a Risk Assessment isn't completed by 9:45am, unfortunately we will have to turn you away from the course and the course fees will still apply.


For further information on Site Access, please see below:


Swipe In

When using the Sentinel app, the first thing is for the Card Checker (typically a Controller of Site Safety/Safe Work Leader) to swipe themselves in….


Risk Assessment

If you or someone you have swiped in have had less than 12 hours’ rest, the app will indicate that a Risk Assessment needs to take place….


Safety Brief

After a Card Checker has swiped themselves and their team in, they will progress to go trackside. However, before this can be done a Safety Brief needs to take place…


Recording Competences

Competences can be recorded. This can be done at any time by the Card Checker and will get transferred into the Log Book section of the individuals mySentinel account...


Swipe Out

At the end of the day/shift, the Card Checker will need to swipe out themselves and their team in order to start the 12-hour rest rule…


For further information on the App please click the link below:


PDF Document:



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