Allow recording of competence on swipe in screen (APP) video link
The COSS will be able to record the competences everyone will be using when swiping them in. The COSS will still be able to record a competence after the shift as per the current functionality should they prefer to do this instead
Record competence on swipe in to save time at end of shift where COSS may not remember to record them. An extra reminder of the competencies that will be used during the shift
Planned shift duration set to COSS's time (APP) video link
When the COSS has swiped themselves in, everyone that is then swiped in will have their 'Planned shift duration' set to be the same as the COSS's. The COSS can still edit the time for each individual if needed
COSS will save time by not having to change every individual's planned shift duration
Record safety briefing button on team screen (APP) video link
A 'Record Safety Briefing' button has been added on the screen where the swiped in individuals appear. Instead of going back to the main page to record a safety briefing, the COSS will be able to press this button to take them through the process quicker
Move through the swipe in process quicker, APP is more intuitive to use
Privacy Policy link (APP) video link
A link to the Sentinel Privacy Policy will be on the opening screen
Users will be able to access the Sentinel Privacy policy via the APP, not just the website
Competence recording limitations (APP)
An individual will only be able to have their competence recorded once per shift. Once the competence has been recorded by the COSS they will not be able to select it again on that same shift
System fix to disallow multiple recording of same competence for the same shift
TVP update (APP)
TVPs will only work when scanned using the Sentinel APP. 3rd party QR code readers will not be able to read the TVP to validate authority to work
Extra security for TVP holders, and better swipe information for the Sentinel system
Password reset (Sentinel System)
In line with Network Rail cyber security, Sentinel administrators and MySentinel users will now be prompted to change their password every 90 days
Extra security for users
Sponsor Admin Access - Read Only – removing ability to change photographs
An individual who holds a read only sponsor administrator account will not be able to update a photograph on an individual's profile
System fix: Sponsor read only account holders functionality will be in line with read only rules
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